What We Do
1 Rego = $1 Donated
4planet has always been dedicated to supporting frontline charity research restoring our reef, but in 2024, we added a new commitment to the cause!
This year for every registration made on the 4planet website towards our goal of 20K registrations, 4planet donated $1 to Coral Preservation. In plain terms, 1 rego = $1. So if you haven't already, make sure to register your support for free and help us help our planet! It takes less than 20 seconds and is free!
We've already hit 10,000 registrations this year and have committed our first donation of $10,000 to the Forever Reef Project to sponsor a brand new Coral Tank which is the foundation of the life support systems for our precious corals.

A little change can make a big difference, if we all do it together!
By supporting the 4planet mission, you are also helping to raise awareness of the devastating influence climate change has on humans and the Great Barrier Reef. Whether it’s the catastrophic fires and floods that are tearing through our suburbs, or the rise in ocean temperatures that threaten our coral reefs, it’s simple, the climate is changing and we and the environment are suffering for it.
The 4planet mission and objectives in partnership with the QLD Government:
- To highlight and realise the value in taking the climate conversation to everyday Aussies and visitors to the Great Barrier Reef.
- To connect and illustrate the elemental link between devastating weather events such as fires and floods affecting humans, with the unique environmental challenges facing the Great Barrier
- To emphasize the intrinsic value of reef tourism operators and their existing role as primary research facilitators and reef guardians
- To encourage an easy but affective way to participate in raising awareness and taking climate action
- The power of social awareness and consumer behaviour
- To foster and reward responsible political and corporate policy making
The 4planet movement aims to raise awareness of, and engagement with, the ongoing climate crisis by utilising the Great Barrier Reef as a symbol of the challenges facing Australia as we move toward a more sustainable and climate conscious future.
There is little doubt that a willing coalition of positive actions will help to restore and preserve the reefs of the world and those that depend on them. We aim to support the state and federal governments to make brave, bold policies in regards to climate change by mobilising every day Aussies to be climate conscious. It must be acknowledged how much work and investment is already being undertaken but it will take larger actions to secure us forever. With Green Jobs initiatives and climate focused policies being supported nationwide by Aussies we can push to make real change that will have positive effects for years to follow.
4planet offers an approachable, simple and rewarding way for everyday Australians to join the climate conversation. We encourage all our participants to become ambassadors for the future of the reef, and by extension the future of the planet as we move into a climate conscious future.
In 2023 the 4planet achieved the following:
- Over 5,800 registered their support for 4planet
- 40,000+ participated in 4planet programs
- 3.6million+ Australians were reached by the 2023 4planet campaign
IN 2024
By encouraging people to register, pledge, dedicate or wear their support for the reef and climate via 4planet we ask them to join the climate conversation and incorporate climate awareness into their everyday actions with small changes. This in turn leads to big changes, impacting the philosophy and values of an entire generation and allows us to begin shifting the needle to a more sustainable future.
This year we are aiming for register 20,000 Australians to become climate guardians, and for every pledge and registration towards this goal we are going to donate $1 to the Forever Reef Project to fund coral restoration.
We are working with Great Barrier Reef charity and tourism organisations including the amazing GBR Legacy's The Forever Reef Project.
How Do We Do It?
In 2024 4planet takes the climate conversation across QLD and Australia rolling out the below programs.
Reef Guardian School Reefy Participation Program
Over 140 Queensland schools are participating in 2024. Students receive Reefys buffs (headscarves) to wear to school to dedicate or create conservation and climate aware activities to the 4planet Great Barrier Reef Climate Movement and share their participation via their school socials.
Reef Guardian Councils Reefy Participation Program
19 Queensland Reef Guardian Councils will participate. Councils will receive Reefys buffs (headscarves) to wear and create or dedicate one of their existing climate conscious initiatives to the 4planet Great Barrier Reef Climate Awareness Movement and share to their socials.
4planet Community Content Creator program
April - September
In 10 locations across QLD local influencers and content creators will invite other local content creators to collaborate for a 4planet Great Barrier Reef Climate Awareness creator day. 4planet creators will their reels, stories and videos to their socials inviting followers to join the 4planet movement.
Reef Tourism Reefy Awareness Program
Queensland’s 5 largest tour operators and come together to celebrate the 4planet Reefy Awareness program. For the month of September, passengers will receive Reefy headscarves to wear and share photos from out on the reef to socials showing their participation in the Great Barrier Reef Climate Awareness Movement.
wear4planet Great Barrier Reef Awareness Program
May - October
4planet’s ‘look good saving the planet’ wear4planet program will activate climate conscious fashion influencers to mobilise their followers in the name of the Great Barrier Reef Climate Movement.
Register today!
All information collected can only be used in accordance with the 4planet Privacy Policy
Join the Climate Conversation
Understanding these terms will help you join the climate conversation!
What is climate change?
Change in our planet's long-term average climate conditions.
What is climate action?
Efforts taken to combat climate change and its impacts.
What is climate relief?
A focus on the cost to humans and the environment from the effects of climate change.
What is the climate crisis?
A reference to the urgency to take the actions required
What is climate awareness?
Efforts taken to educate and inspire individuals to take action